About my way of working with amateur dancers

When working with people who are not professional dancers but have a special interest in art and dance, their bodies seem to have hidden information that is activated during the work. (…)

Art meets Angel (2)

Nothing moves here, neither a wingtip sways in the wind, nor a garment despite all its translucent lightness.

Wings of fire

A ball of red wool guided me on my way. I go home without shoes. (…)


was immer ich nicht weiß
bewahre ich mir

– gedicht –


… Und je mehr ich versuche, für mein “lyrisches Glaubensbekenntnis” Worte zu finden, die einer Berührung ähneln, umso deutlicher merke ich, dass ich dafür nicht an den Engeln vorbei komme. Es wird also seine Gründe haben, warum die Hände der Boten eine so wichtige Bedeutung tragen.

Art meets angels (1)

Only the context in which they stand identifies them as angels: The first trench angels are men without wings, so human that they are indistinguishable from mortals.

Short story, long way

One day I arrived at an unknown house,I was travelling and as in every journey one does not know wellhow it will goand sometimes where […]


aber sprich nur ein wort
so wird meine seele gesund

– gedicht –