since 2020 Fraktalwerk project “Messages. The Language of Angels” with Libertad Esmeralda Iocco and Marlen Wagner
since 2017 Individual and group projects in the Fraktalwerk long-term project “Traumbeute” (
since 2015 Co-founder, contributor and co-operator of the project space for aesthetic projects Fraktalwerk in Berlin and Chemnitz (
2007-2010 Realisation of aesthetic projects and participatory art projects with teams from the field of social work in schools and universities
since 2005 Art projects, participatory art projects and projects of aesthetic education, exhibitions and lecture performances, publications of essays on psychoanalysis and aesthetic theory (
2003-2005 Teaching assignments and work contracts on aesthetic education in teaching and learning research at the University of Applied Sciences Neubrandenburg in the Department of Social Work, Education and Training, specialising in aesthetics and communication/cultural and media work. Together with Ulrike Hanke, development of the format “Aesthetic Projects”.
Since 2000, development and implementation of the long-term project “Die Schrift der Engel” ((