Dance workshop “Entangelments – Gestures in Movement”

Libertad Esmeralda Iocco

As part of its current microproject, the Fraktalwerk project space will be hosting the dance workshop Entangelments – Gestures in Motion from May 02nd, 2022 until May 15th, 2022. Libertad Esmeralda Iocco, an Argentinean dance artist and teacher living in Berlin, continues her series of choreographed performances in which people with and without dance experience work on a theme together.

This time the theme is “Gestures of Angels” – and people for whom gestures and signs are a natural part of daily communication are especially invited. These are deaf people as well as people who simply like to speak with their hands and feet. Or people for whom dance can be both movement and message.

Are angels also messengers of daily life, bringing information from unknown worlds? What do their messages tell us? How can we translate them into movements of our bodies? How can we help “silent angels” to speak through dance? What are angels for us anyway – even if we are perhaps not religious?

Libertad Esmeralda Iocco firmly believes that in heartfelt and solidary collaboration, art and non-art can enrich each other.  Even “non-experience” can release resources and give rise to aesthetic elements. They expand the poetics of dance and the knowledge that is present in people and their bodies. Libertad Esmeralda Iocco is interested in getting to know the poetic languages that are hidden in everyday life, sharing them with each other and exploring them in order to make them tangible and visible in her choreographies.

The dance workshop Entangelments – Gestures in Movement will take place in Chemnitz from May 02nd, 2022 until May 15th, 2022 on Garagencampus Chemnitz. Our project’s website will provide information about details in March 2022 in the form of an open call.

Contact in the Fraktalwerk project space for information about the dance workshop: Robert Krokowski | email: robert.krokowski(at)