A look back at 2021

© Ulrike Lynn

Libertad Esmeralda Iocco, Ulrike Lynn, Robert Krokowski, Marlen Wagner – four very different people working together on one project. We each do our own thing and together we make common cause.
We have discussed and argued with each other, we have laughed and raged secretly or openly, we have worked together and each to her and his own. And we have met: We spent four days together in Chemnitz in the summer of 2021, searching possible places for performances, exploring cemeteries looking for Chemnitz angels, eating and spending time together. And we worked on a first performance – because we should all have participated in each other’s “own thing” once if possible.
Now we are taking off again after the turn of the year – into the final phase. And we are very much looking forward to coming together again in the summer of 2022 and giving Chemnitz a lot to see with our presentation.

In search of angels and signs
Bringing into motion
Together along the read trace