From 6 to 8 July 2022 we were present with our project “Entangelments. Language of Angels. Gestures as mediators between cultures” at the Garage Campus in Chemnitz. We had worked for a year as part of Capital of Culture Chemnitz 2025. In accordance with our concept of Aesthetic Projects, we made common cause – both among ourselves and with others – and did our own thing. Now we are happy to be able to show some of the workshop work at the Garage Campus.
Fraktalwerk project space as a guest at the Chemnitz Garage Campus:
Dance performance I Libertad Esmeralda Iocco: Friday, 8 July, approx. 18:00, outdoor area
The afternoon of an endless day. A woman examining the edges of her own daily life is challenged by messages she tries to decipher.
Performances I Marlen Wagner “This is not a pointing gesture”: Friday, 8 July, from 17:00, Great Hall and outdoor area
What do “finger points” show – if they do not denote, do not accuse, do not accuse, do not accuse and do not accuse?
Installation performance I Robert Krokowski “Business Angel Office”: Friday, 8 July, from 17:00, Great Hall and outdoor area
In the mobile angel office, plans and planners are checked for credibility and passes to success are issued.
Photo exhibition I International Photo Challenge “Gestures of Angels”, from 06 July, all day, outdoor area (permanent exhibition)
Depictions of angels can still be found today in many areas of life. What do the gestures of the angels tell us, what messages do they convey?
Fraktalwerk-Projektraum invited to the international photo challenge “Messages of Angels”. As part of the micro-project “Gestures as Mediators between Cultures” of the Capital of Culture Chemnitz 2025, photos could be sent in until 30 April 2022.
The photos show: The photographed angels and their messages interested or appealed to the participants “in a very special way”.
Photo exhibition I Marlen Wagner “This is not a pointing gesture”: , from 06 July, all day, outdoor area (permanent exhibition)
The outstretched finger: Marlen Wagner questions the unambiguousness of a gesture with her performances.
What do their “finger points” show – if they do not label, do not accuse, do not accuse, do not accuse and do not accuse?
The performances encourage us to think about pointing, pointing out, pointing, pointing in the right direction – but also about interpretation and sovereignty of interpretation and the difficulty of following the imperative of a pointer or not.
We would like to express our sincere thanks for funding and support for the completed micro-project 2021/2022 “Language of Angels | Gestures as Mediators between Cultures” and for the first new project “Entangelments | Encounter of Cultures” in the horizon of Capital of Culture Chemnitz 2025. So from 6 to 8 July we also celebrated the conclusion of a successful start-up project and the first steps of the follow-up project within the framework of “Garage öffne Dich”. We look forward to seeing you again and meeting in person with all supporters and interested parties!