Dance workshop “Gestures”

The dance workshop with the theme “Gestures” took place from 7 to 8 May 2022 with a duration of 3 hours per day at the Garagen Campus in Chemnitz. It was led by dance teacher and choreographer Libertad Esmeralda Iocco.

The aim of the workshop was to create a space for people with and without dance knowledge to be introduced to the potential of gesture in dance. Gesture was to be looked at from different angles, for example as a component of everyday actions, in body language, in paintings of angels, in sign language. The “known” of gesture in everyday life must fulfil its aesthetic and communicative function in artistic manifestation. In other words: When gestures are danced, they acquire new meanings that expand the original one.

Results and methodology

The workshop was attended by people with different backgrounds and experiences in dance and body work. Unfortunately, no deaf people signed up, but we were happy that a student of sign language interpreting participated. This allowed us to incorporate his knowledge of sign language into the creative process. We worked individually, in pairs and in groups. Listening to our own bodies and communicating with others was reinforced. Gestures speak louder than audible words and appear without warning, extending body language. Awareness of gestures in everyday life gave value to new gestures, both invented and our own. We worked on improvisation with pantomime, imagination and abstraction, feelings, thoughts, emotional and meaningful memory, imitation and sensory awareness of one’s own body. Participants also related their bodies to objects, to experience and interaction between people and, finally, to their inner and outer environment.

In a warm and participatory atmosphere, games and improvisations were used to enrich the body language in dance and to create their own movements and gestures. This has not only increased the knowledge and values of the artists, but also of those who are interested and curious to discover their own body language for their profession and life.

We thank all participants! Special thanks to the Garagen Campus for making their space available to us and to the DIS TANZ SOLO Programme. This project is supported by DIS-TANZEN. Dachverband Tanz Deutschland.